One of my bookclub selections, this book was not something that I would naturally gravitate towards. I read it over the summer as it was our September meeting's read.
This book was written by a self proclaimed introvert and it was written to make other introverts feel good about themselves. The author claims to sight all sorts of scientific studies that demonstrate the worth and strength of introverts, but her argument is a deeply flawed. Time and time again, the author uses anecdotal examples in her argument that quiet people are not valued by today's society, and that their contributions are ignored, and neglected.
This novel is like a mini-pity party for introverts. The author claims that extroverts are more prone to alcoholism, infidelity, and dishonesty. She claims that extroverts lack self-discipline and focus.
I thought it was a novel that was written to make quiet people feel good about being quiet. Unfortunately, the author seems to enjoy putting extroverts down in the process.
It was simplistic and tiring. The reviews on Goodreads are surprisingly good...I guess all the introverts of the world came out in droves for this one! Good luck if you want to read it!!!

This novel is like a mini-pity party for introverts. The author claims that extroverts are more prone to alcoholism, infidelity, and dishonesty. She claims that extroverts lack self-discipline and focus.
I thought it was a novel that was written to make quiet people feel good about being quiet. Unfortunately, the author seems to enjoy putting extroverts down in the process.
It was simplistic and tiring. The reviews on Goodreads are surprisingly good...I guess all the introverts of the world came out in droves for this one! Good luck if you want to read it!!!
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