Just back from the International Re/Max Conference in Las Vegas NV, and I can tell you that Vegas is NO place to read. I brought my book Cutting for Stone, and tried several times to steal away for a few quiet chapters, but alas, no luck. It didn't matter if I was in Starbucks or sitting alone at the breakfast table, the noise, distraction and constant interruption conspired against me. Thank goodness it's a 5 hour flight for Toronto, so in the end, I was able to really "fly" through my novel once we were in the air. (I have already finished my post on Cutting, and I highly recommend it.)

Here's a topic that I have never blogged about before: Business Reading.

Now, for the most part, business reading--be it motivational, strategic planning or self-help, is typically pretty crappy reading. I have found that these books are often poorly written and are more a means of getting the author onto the TV interview circuit.
However, during the course of the conference, a few books were recommended and I would like to note them here as future possible reads:
- My Next Step by Dave Liniger, Founder and CEO of Re/Max International.
- The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. Recommended by Dave Liniger.
- The Travelers Gift by Andy Andrews. Not sure about this one, but Andy
Andrews addressed us at the conference, and I found him to be a very
engaging speaker. I will give it a try and let you know how I do!
- Deliver the Unexpected by Richard Robbins
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