Sunday, 19 February 2012

To Kill a Mockingbird...Will it Kill Me?!?

Sorry. I'm going to admit this right off: I'm not looking forward to reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. It' March's book for my book club meeting, and I am really dreading it. Why you ask?

Well, I read this book in high school, and if I recall correctly I enjoyed it. Since then, Oprah has done a number on books, and the world has gone crazy for lists like the "Best Books Ever" or the "Top 10 Books of all Time". Yikes. Does that ever drive me crazy. First, who has the authority to determine the "best" books? Regularly, when they do surveys and collect everyone's vote, this book often comes out on top. Why I ask?

OK, so I'm sure it's noteworthy, but the "Best Book of All Times"? My theory is this: I think most people have read so few novels, that when they are asked what their favorite book is they really only remember one or two from high school. This novel is often voted as the best book because those that are voting haven't read anything else.

So that's my personal rant. I'd love to hear from anyone with another opinion. I will read Mockingbird, and I will journal my thoughts. I hope that it's great...I'm leery that it will even be in my top 20. Let's see!

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