In my own way, I'm a huge recycler: I love to reuse things, pass them onto friends and family or donate things that might be of value to others. I get a thrill out of lending my books to others, as I see that as getting fantastic value from a book...multiple reads means lower overall cost per use (ok, call me crazy!)

Anyway, I also love to buy books that have been previously read and over the years, I have found a few great sources for used books. In my experience, the book shelves at Value Village are packed with EXCELLENT reads. There are some of the very latest publications, and all of them are in perfect condition. Prices are good, with the most expensive book running no more than $4.99. It seems that the romance section is most popular, and so, that leaves some of the more worthwhile novels for ME!!! Yippee!!!
Yesterday, I picked up a few great titles including The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha, The Friends of Meager Fortune by David Adams Richards (one of my favorite Canadian authors), The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan (ok, not very recent, but my aunt said it was worth reading), Things I Want My Daughters to Know by Elizabeth Noble (I just liked the title so I picked it up!), A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith, Fierce Invalides Home From Hot Climates by Tom Robbins, The Republic of Love by Carol Shields. These all cost less than $25.00...The cost of one hard cover novel from Chapters. The great things with Value Village is that they support a variety of local non-profit organizations.

Another great source for used books near home is the ReUstore store in Bolton, Ontario. This thrift shop has a large selection of books, but they are typically a little older and have that classic musty garage/basement smell. (Not a bad thing, just an acquired taste!) This charity contributes it's proceeds to the Caledon Community Services. They will also pick up loads of thrift shop items at no charge if you live in Caledon and give them a call to arrange.

My last source of inexpensive books is the Pennywise Thrift Shop in Woodbridge, Ontario. Similar to the ReUstore, this shop typically stocks older publications, but is not commonly shopped by avid readers, so you can get some great titles once in a while. Again, 100% of all money raised here goes to support the Vaughan Food Bank. (This picture is great because it's these women who make the Pennywise run like clock work...They're hearts are in the right place!)
I know that reading is a great thing to do for your mind. I just love the thought that I am also helping others through community associations when I buy my books from places other than Amazon, Chapters of Coles. Just a thought.
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